Dynmap Official Site:http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dynmap/
[original]server map and chat(powered by Dynmap)
[Forge]server map and chat(powered by Dynmap)
這是一個台中一中學生Nate Lo所創建的伺服器,因資金問題(如網路費,電費等)所以目前還只是有空才會開的小服。 This is a server that create by a TCFSH student Nate Lo,because of the problem of funds(ex:electricity bill,etc), so this server is still available when I open my own computer.
2013年8月28日 星期三
2013年8月23日 星期五
[1.6.2]Minecraft 1.6.2 download ! Minecraft1.6.2下載 (Server will open soon伺服器也將開放)
1.6.2 Minecraft installation:
1.Download Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.Run the Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.Choose a place to install your minecraft 1.6.2 (I recommend you to install under D:\ disk, cause you may want to play 1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft and 1.6.2 at the same time lol !)
4.Go to the place you install minecraft 1.6.2, then make a shortcut of "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) to your desktop, then you don't need to open it from the install folder and open it again and again.
5.Open "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) or shortcut on desktop, then you'll see a window pop up, then edit or create a new profile and wait for the game to really install(wait for the green bar to load), and after installing is done, it's the time to play, press "play offline" to open minecraft (not really offline lol, still can play multiplayer !) ! HELL YEAH !
1.6.2 Minecraft 安裝方式:
1.下載 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.執行 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.選擇一個地方安裝minecraft 1.6.2 (我推薦安裝在D:\就好,因為你可能會需要邊玩1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft邊玩1.6.2哈哈!)
5.打開Minecraft.exe(圖示是苦力怕頭的那個)或是桌面上的捷徑,然後會看到一個視窗開啟,之後編輯一下profile,好了後等他把遊戲安裝完成(等綠色的條子跑完),安裝完後點play offline(不是梨線ㄛ,還是可以連線!)即可遊玩!
1.Download Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.Run the Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.Choose a place to install your minecraft 1.6.2 (I recommend you to install under D:\ disk, cause you may want to play 1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft and 1.6.2 at the same time lol !)
4.Go to the place you install minecraft 1.6.2, then make a shortcut of "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) to your desktop, then you don't need to open it from the install folder and open it again and again.
5.Open "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) or shortcut on desktop, then you'll see a window pop up, then edit or create a new profile and wait for the game to really install(wait for the green bar to load), and after installing is done, it's the time to play, press "play offline" to open minecraft (not really offline lol, still can play multiplayer !) ! HELL YEAH !
1.6.2 Minecraft 安裝方式:
1.下載 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.執行 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.選擇一個地方安裝minecraft 1.6.2 (我推薦安裝在D:\就好,因為你可能會需要邊玩1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft邊玩1.6.2哈哈!)
5.打開Minecraft.exe(圖示是苦力怕頭的那個)或是桌面上的捷徑,然後會看到一個視窗開啟,之後編輯一下profile,好了後等他把遊戲安裝完成(等綠色的條子跑完),安裝完後點play offline(不是梨線ㄛ,還是可以連線!)即可遊玩!
Rope+ Mod 繩箭+弓箭模組
Same as standard arrow, but replace flint tip with...
Sand: Confusion Arrow
Dirt: Dirt Arrow
Gunpowder: Explosion Arrow
Coal: Fire Arrow
Seeds: Grass Arrow
Snowball: Ice Arrow
Redstone: Laser Arrow
Rope: Rope Arrow
Slime: Slime Arrow
Torch: Torch Arrow
Obsidian: Warp Arrow
Sand: Confusion Arrow
Dirt: Dirt Arrow
Gunpowder: Explosion Arrow
Coal: Fire Arrow
Seeds: Grass Arrow
Snowball: Ice Arrow
Redstone: Laser Arrow
Rope: Rope Arrow
Slime: Slime Arrow
Torch: Torch Arrow
Obsidian: Warp Arrow
More information and tutorial videos:
2013年7月17日 星期三
Camping Mod 露營模組
Module explanation:
- Camping Core: Minecraft Forge required. The core doesn’t add much, it makes sure that all the modules will run smooth. (it also adds the camper’s tool)
- Campfire Part: Core required. Adds all the campfires and the marshmallows.
- Tent Part: Core required. Adds all the tents and the tent parts
- Campsite Part: Camfire Part, Tent Part required. Now it only adds achievements but it will also add campsites who will spawn in the world, and a mob the camper.
CraftGuide 合成說明模組
CraftGuide: Quick access to a list of every crafting recipe in the game!
It was created as a result of how useful Risugami's RecipeBook is, but how quickly it became a hassle to navigate once you have a hundred pages at the time. RecipeBook has improved greatly since then, though. (In my opinion, the single greatest change was the addition of the scroll wheel as a way to navigate quickly)
![Posted Image](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/26846767/images/Minecraft/CraftGuide/Topic/recipe-1.6.2.png)
It was created as a result of how useful Risugami's RecipeBook is, but how quickly it became a hassle to navigate once you have a hundred pages at the time. RecipeBook has improved greatly since then, though. (In my opinion, the single greatest change was the addition of the scroll wheel as a way to navigate quickly)
![Posted Image](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/26846767/images/Minecraft/CraftGuide/Topic/recipe-1.6.2.png)
Archimedes’ Ships Mod 阿奇曼德斯的船模組!
Craft and create your own ship… And sail it across the seven seas!
Blocks and items
Ship marker
The ship marker is the main block to create ships. It looks like a steering wheel, but it acts like a seat. Right click the block to create a ship out of connected blocks and mount it. See Features:Ship for information about the ship blocks.
Crafting recipe:
Measurement Gauges
This block currently contains two functional gauges. One gauge always points to the north, the other indicates the speed of the ship it is attached to. A whole circle equals 80 kilometres per hour.
It will look like this:
Crafting recipe:
The floater only has real functionality when advanced floating physics is enabled in the configuration file. It is simply a very lightweight block, that gives ships the ability to float.
Crafting recipe:
This block does not have a function yet.
Crafting recipe:
Compile a ship
To create a ship, simply build it as you build everything in Minecraft. Then it needs a ship marker, which is the main block of the ship and your seat at the same time.
Once you right click the block, the ship you created will convert into a moveable chunk and you will mount it. All blocks connected to the ship marker will become part of your ship. However, the ship will never be larger than 16*16*16 blocks and none of the following blocks will be considered part of the ship:
- Dirt
- Grass
- Sand
- Gravel
- Clay
- Ice
- Water
- Lava
- Snow
- Water lily
- Netherrack
- Soul sand
Also consider that tile entities will work, but are not saved to disk. So watch out with storing items in ship chests/furnaces/etc..
Unmounting the ship again will decompile the mobile chunk into normal world blocks, after the ship has been aligned to the world axis. Now you can edit and mount the ship again.
Make sure you don’t build or unmount the ship too near to your buildings, or (parts of) your buildings may connect to the ship when mounting it.
Sail a ship
The ship can be steered like the vanilla Minecraft boat. Although it will act slowly, its maximum velocity is much higher and by constantly sailing the same direction, you will keep gaining momentum. By sneaking the ship will quickly come to a full stop. Ships will never break when you hit something.
Command a ship
- /as OR /ashelp OR /as?
Lists all Archimedes’ Ships mod commands. - /asinfo
Shows information about the ship you’re currently sailing. - /asdismount [overwrite]
Dismount the current ship, even when it can not decompile. If the “overwrite
” parameter is added, the ship will decompile anyways and overwrite existing world blocks in the process if any. - /asalign
Aligns the currently sailing ship to the world grid, without rejoining with the world. Useful for parking your ship. - /asdestroy [range]
Destroys the nearest ship in a given range. If the range is not indicated, a range of 16 blocks is used. - /asreloadmeta
Reloads all metarotation files in the .minecraft/config/ArchimedesShips/ folder.
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download Archimedes’ Ships Mod
- Put Archimedes’ Ships Mod zip file into your %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/ folder. Do not unzip it.
- Edit the configuration file for custom block and item IDs and other settings. (.minecraft/config/ArchimedesShipsMod.cfg)
- Done
- Added airships, including a functionality for balloons.
- Added the possibility to build ships larger than 16*16*16 blocks.
- Added a functionality for floaters, making ships floating less deep.
- Added brake control to the control scheme, ‘C’ by default.
- Added the up and down controls to the control scheme, respectively ‘X’ and ‘Z’ by default.
- Added bed meta rotations.
- Added an option to the config file to change the turn speed.
- Added the blocks IDs to the config file which can be overwritten by a decompiling ship.
- Added an option to the config file to change the synchronization rate of ships between server and client.
- Added an option to the config file to determine if the player should remount the ship if decompilation failed.
- Added more options to the config file along with the new airship features.
- Added extended gauges, showing height and vertical velocity beside the standard gauges.
- Changed the look of the compass gauge.
- Made gauges not render pointers when player is further than 16 blocks far.
- Decreased base turn speed.
- Made ships turn more smoothly.
- Player will not get inside an opaque block anymore when mounted on a ship.
- Improved performace, especially for large ships.
- Fixed ships gaining huge vertical momentum when in a waterfall or lavafall.
- Fixed blocks from other mods that act as air blocks not being added to the ship.
- Fixed certain blocks dropping as items on rejoining with the world, like beds, doors, torches and ladders.
Backpacks mod 背包模組
Normal backpacks:
You craft a backpack like a chest but with leather instead of wood. For a big backpack use tanned leather instead of normal leather.
Backpacks have 27 slots (chest size)
Big backpacks have 54 slots (double chest size)
Balkon's Weapons Mod Recipe 貝肯的武器模組
1.1. Melee Weapons: Spears
Spears do slightly less damage than swords and have a rather small knockback. They can also be thrown and do not disappear when they hit a mob, so you can pick them up afterwards. Stabbing and throwing do equal damage.
Name | Recipe | Description |
Wooden Spear | Deals | |
Stone Spear | Deals | |
Iron Spear | Deals | |
Diamond Spear | Deals | |
Golden Spear | Deals |
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