1.6.2 Minecraft installation:
1.Download Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.Run the Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.Choose a place to install your minecraft 1.6.2 (I recommend you to install under D:\ disk, cause you may want to play 1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft and 1.6.2 at the same time lol !)
4.Go to the place you install minecraft 1.6.2, then make a shortcut of "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) to your desktop, then you don't need to open it from the install folder and open it again and again.
5.Open "Minecraft.exe"(with a creeper head icon) or shortcut on desktop, then you'll see a window pop up, then edit or create a new profile and wait for the game to really install(wait for the green bar to load), and after installing is done, it's the time to play, press "play offline" to open minecraft (not really offline lol, still can play multiplayer !) ! HELL YEAH !
1.6.2 Minecraft 安裝方式:
1.下載 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
2.執行 Minecraft(1.6.2).exe
3.選擇一個地方安裝minecraft 1.6.2 (我推薦安裝在D:\就好,因為你可能會需要邊玩1.5.2 Forge mod minecraft邊玩1.6.2哈哈!)
5.打開Minecraft.exe(圖示是苦力怕頭的那個)或是桌面上的捷徑,然後會看到一個視窗開啟,之後編輯一下profile,好了後等他把遊戲安裝完成(等綠色的條子跑完),安裝完後點play offline(不是梨線ㄛ,還是可以連線!)即可遊玩!